If you’re just joining us…
Last time, I shared about pulling the Death card in readings about my marriage back in 2016. Even though I knew what it meant - transformation, endings, necessary changes - I wasn’t ready to face what it was telling me. So I kept shuffling it back into the deck.
Now, here’s what happened next…
Well, like most of us do when we're not ready to face something, I ignored it. I doubled down on trying to make my marriage work. I got pregnant.
I had my daughter.
And that changed everything.
Before, I was unhappy in my marriage, but I could mostly ignore it. Adding a baby to the mix made everything so much harder.
Yes, I love my daughter with all of my being. But I wasn't designed to be a stay at home mom. I need time to be creative, to be social, to think and dream. Plus, I'm an ambivert. Which means I need my alone time.
But...my (now ex) husband was making the money, and I didn't have a typical 9-5 job.
I know how privileged I was to have that financial support. But being reliant on him for money created a deeply unbalanced power dynamic in our relationship. One in which his needs were always more important than mine.
At the time, I thought something was wrong with me for having these needs. One of the beautiful things about understanding my birth chart so deeply now is that I can see my needs so clearly that they are very hard to ignore.
My Mercury and Sun in Gemini in the 5th House NEED to create, and explore, and have fun.
My Moon in Scorpio in the 10th House needs to go deep and tell the truth and be known for that.
I felt those needs in my body in the early days of motherhood, when I had no freedom or time to create, when my days were consumed with diapers and despair.
But I didn't value myself enough to make the seismic change that would have to happen to meet those needs.
Namely, leaving my marriage.
The reality is that even when we know what we need, sometimes it feels impossible to actually meet our needs, because the world isn't designed to value them.
Often, we have to be the ones to stand up for ourselves and our needs, even when they're impractical, don't bring in money, and don't make other people like us.
Because if we don't, we will forever remain stuck in a life that isn't meant for us.
That's exactly why I've opened up these Year Ahead Vision Sessions. Because understanding your birth chart isn't just about predictions - it's about truly knowing and valuing who you are.
In our session, we'll take that first step of reconnecting with your own wisdom and worth, and weaving a vision where your needs take center stage.
We'll look at one pattern that might be keeping you from honoring your needs. And if it feels like a fit, we can explore how ongoing coaching could help you develop an unshakeable trust in your right to have needs and have them met.
But back to my story...
I wish I could tell you that I suddenly started valuing my needs, and then everything magically fell into place.
Well...that didn't happen. Instead, my marriage became like a pressure cooker, where the tension built up more and more...
...until a big Uranus transit and a box of blocks set a new trajectory in motion.
I'll tell you all about it on Thursday. Until then, have a wonderful holiday and a Merry Christmas if you celebrate, and remember:
Your needs matter.
Warmly, Daniela
P.S. Here's something I wish someone had told me back then: Your needs aren't an inconvenience to be managed - they're a compass pointing you toward your most authentic life. Ready to start following that compass? Book your session here.